Accounts receivable; Suspense account; Cash and bank;
Transfers and promotions; Recruitment and selection; 5 uali ½ cation veri ½ cation; Of ½ cial vehicles; Supply chain management; Origination – Government Gazette; and Revenue.
A performance evaluation audit could not be completed as planned because human resources could not provide requested information to plan and execute the audit.The process has since changed with effect from 01 April 2013 and internal audit will conduct this audit in the year 2013/14.
)ZEPYEXMSR SJ ½RERGMEP WXEXIQIRXW We have reviewed the ½ nancial statements and the report of progress made against pre-determined objectives and recommended them for management to submit for audit by Auditor-General South Africa. Further to this, we have: Reviewed the Auditor-General South Africa’s management report and management’s response thereto; and Reviewed and discussed the audited annual ½ nancial statements due to be included in the annual report with the Auditor-General South Africa’s and the Accounting Of ½ cer’s reports.
We concur with and accept the Auditor-General South Africa’s report on the annual ½ nancial statements.
In-year management and monthly/quarterly reporting
The government component has submitted monthly and quarterly reports to the executive authority.
Appreciation The audit committee expresses its appreciation to the accounting of ½ cer, management team and the Auditor-General for their contribution to ful ½ l our obligations.
Ms. PM Sedite Chairperson of the auditor committee Date: 31 . uly 2013
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