As part of its aim to become an “employer of choice”, the 2012/ 2013 ½ nancial year has seen the GPW put in place a number of mechanisms and strategies to reach this goal.This includes the development and adoption of new HR policies, encompassing a performance management development policy, a human capital strategy and a workforce skills plan. Since the appointment of the new GPW CEO, Professor Anthony Mbewu at the beginning of 2012, the establishment was re-aligned and the remaining two vacant general manager positions were advertised and are in the ½ nal appointment stages. From a labour relations point of view, there has also been vast progress. As a result of improved procedures, the past ½ nancial year did not show any outstanding grievances, whereas in the previous ½ nancial year, 60 percent remained unaddressed.This new approach has proven to be highly successful. On the training and development side, all staff members within the GPW have been given the opportunity to undergo training.This included extensive technical training in preparation for the launch of the new ERP system, health and safety training, as well as training around compliance. The organisation continues to provide employees with growth opportunities through study bursaries, with a further 21 new study bursaries awarded over the year, and seven candidates accepted in to the GPW’s internship and learner programme. In addition to this, 90 percent of identi ½ ed lower level posts (between levels one and 12) have been ½ lled.
Plans for the next two years from a human resources perspective include the establishment of a formal GPW training and development academy, as well as a special remuneration dispensation structure to be put in place to attract and retain employees. At this stage, a task team with the Department of Public Service and Administration has been formed to take the matter of a special dispensation forward.
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