Economic Development Annual Report
Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6
4.5 Programme 5: Economic Planning
Purpose of the Programme: To provide economic policy direction and strategies, in addition to conducting research on the provincial economy, to inform strategy development. The Programme consists of the following sub-Programmes: • Policy and Planning • Research and Development • Knowledge Management • Monitoring and Evaluation • Economic Analysis The Programme contributes towards the following institutional outcome as per the Annual Performance Plan. Inclusive, diversified and growing economy Outcomes, Outputs, Output Indicators, Targets and Actual Achievements The Programme achieved all targets and, in the process, contributed to the Department’s outcome in terms of an Inclusive, Diversified and Growing the Economy, as well as the strategic priorities of Government, especially Priority 2: Economic Transformation and Job Creation. The following achievements can be highlighted: • Provision of credible, accurate and quality research reports for evidence-based economic planning and decision making in the Province. Reports such as the PERO (Provincial Economic Review and Outlook) document, the SERO (Socio-Economic Review and Outlook), and relevant economic research reports on key economic sectors/ industries, mining and tourism for example, e-based business survey report and Socio-Economic Profiles (SEPs) of all 20 Municipalities were produced. • Central point in the Province of credible, accurate and quality socio-economic data/information for planning, policy and even budget purposes. • The important work of the Mpumalanga Green Energy Cluster Agency representing academia, industry, and government (a special purpose vehicle to drive the implementation of the green economy development plan. • Generated market intelligence reports that identify and quantify green job and investment opportunities in the renewable energy, water, and sustainable agriculture value chains (through the Mpumalanga Green Cluster Agency). • Produced evaluation report for Mdala Nature Reserve and the Mkhombo Dam Nature Reserve as well as EPWP monitoring reports in terms of job creation which included designated groups like women and young people. • Reviewed and updated geo-database of the MEGDP (Mpumalanga Economic Growth and Development Path), as well as collecting new data. • The active participation and role in provincial department committees led by the OTP such as the development of a provincial job creation strategy, development of a provincial economic diversification strategy. In the process there’s also close collaboration with important institutions such as the World Bank and the PCC. • Member of the provincial committee working closely with the OTP on the establishment of the Mpumalanga Research Institute (MRI) to address the research gaps in Provincial Government due to capacity, skills and budget constraints.
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