Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

Reasons for




of outstanding cases,

which await

feedback from

respondents. The office received


invitations on

its services from stakeholders


from planned

target to Actual Achievement 2023/2024

0.4% consumer

cases awaiting finalisation.

Target exceeded

by 11 awareness programmes

512 500 520 531 Consumer


Achievement 2023/2024

100% 100% 100% 99.6%


cases resolved within specified



and Education programs





Audited Actual Performance 2022/2023

Audited Actual Performance 2021/2022

Informal Policy Development: The informal economy is not a marginal add on, but continues to be a priority issue for the Department. Extensive consultative processes with relevant stakeholders using the District Development model have been finalised. This is also subsequent to a number of extended workshops also held with the informal sector forums across the District. The development of the Provincial Informal Sector Policy is now awaiting consolidation and validation, a process, which will be followed by final approval, and launching of the Informal Sector Policy for the Province. Sub-Programme: Consumer Protection Outcome Output Output Indicator Inclusive, diversified and growing economy Consumer cases reduced % of consumer cases resolved within specified timeframes Number of Consumer Awareness and Education programs

83 Business Regulation: To ensure fair and ethical business practices that contribute towards growth and upliftment of citizens and grow the second economy, two (2) sets of legislation (Mpumalanga Gambling Act (No. 5 of 1995), and the Mpumalanga Liquor Licensing Act (No. 5 of 2006) were reviewed in collaboration with the Mpumalanga Economic Regulator (MER) during the period under review. The Department also assessed 17 local Municipalities to establish their status of the street trading bylaws in-line with the Mpumalanga Businesses Act (No. 2 of 1996) which is currently under review but subject to finalisation of the review of the National Business Act. The program provides continuous capacity building and oversight support to Municipalities on the implementation of street trading bylaws.

**Actual achievement reported in relation to the performance information reflected in the re-tabled Annual Performance Plan.

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