Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

Reasons for


None None


from planned target to Actual

Achievement 2023/2024

**Actual Achievement 2023/2024

Access to markets for

Furntech and MSI SMMEs enhanced as follows:

6 SMME’s participated

during the Manufacturing

Indaba 2023, exhibition held on 24-26 October 2023 in Johannesburg.

20 SMME’s participated in the Global Exporter Passport Programme GEPP) training, which took place on 27-30 November 2023.

The SMME’s were nominated as follows:

Enhlanzeni District- 7 SMME’s. Gert Sibande District – 6 SMME’s

Nkangala District – 7 SMME’s.

2 Export awareness seminar

programmes conducted for: Govan Mbeki LM and 85 SMMEs attended

Thembisile Hani LM and 142 SMMEs attended


Annual Target 2023/2024

New Indicator New Indicator Access to markets for Furntech and MSI SMMEs enhanced

Sub-Programme: Trade and Investment Promotion Purpose: To Facilitate Trade, Export Promotion and Attract Investment Outcome Output Output Indicator Audited Actual Performance 2021/2022 Audited Actual Performance 2022/2023 Number of SMMEs from Furntech & MSI participating in trade opportunities

**Actual achievement reported in relation to the performance information reflected in the re-tabled Annual Performance Plan. NB: Mozambique was counted twice in terms of export reports produced for quarter 2 and quarter 4 respectively (to make the total of 13)


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