Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

Reasons for


None None


from planned target to Actual

Achievement 2023/2024

**Actual Achievement 2023/2024

Functional Provincial Trade and Investment Forum established to support export promotion has been achieved, through stakeholder engagement: Economic opportunities

presented by BRICS on the Manufacturing Industry.

The resuscitation of the MPG

Maputo MOU which includes the reprioritization of the Program of Action.

The SADC Business Council

on the roll-out of the MPG– SADC BC MOU- (Trade and Investment).

Quattro-Canna Holdings,

presented its desire to establish Nkomazi HEMP HUB at the Nkomazi SEZ.

Engagement with Universal Peace Federation (UPD)

Federation which is a potential investor on HEMP agro processing.


Annual Target 2023/2024


Provincial Trade

and Investment Forum

established to

support export promotion.

Furniture Technology Incubator (Furntech): Young people were trained in small scale furniture manufacturing and upholstery at Thaba Chweu Local Municipality to increase the skills in this sector to support the planned Forestry Industrial Technology Park. The Department also managed to establish the Mining Skills Forum which is progressing well and serves as a platform where skills development in the sector can be enhanced. Sub-Programme: Trade and Investment Promotion Purpose: To Facilitate Trade, Export Promotion and Attract Investment Outcome Output Output Indicator Audited Actual Performance 2021/2022 Audited Actual Performance 2022/2023 Inclusive, diversified and growing economy Improve and develop the export market for agricultural goods Functional Provincial Trade & Investment Forum New Indicator Trade and export promotion interventions for Nkomazi SEZ and MIFPM products implemented as follows: Provincial Trade and Investment Forum was established. The Trade DSM system is up and running and two reports have been generated which identified Austria and the Czech Republic as potential trade partners


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