Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

4.3 Programme 3: Trade and Sector Development

Purpose of the Programme: To support the development of industries within the key economic sectors of the Province, and to create a conducive environment for trade and investment. The Programme consists of the following sub-Programmes: • Trade and Investment Promotion • Strategic Initiatives • Sector Development The Programme contributes towards the following institutional outcome as per the Annual Performance Plan. • Inclusive, diversified and growing economy Outcomes, Outputs, Output Indicators, Targets and Actual Achievements The Programme managed to enhance access to markets for Furntech and MSI SMMEs, with six (6) SMMEs participating in the Manufacturing Indaba 2023, and an additional twenty (20) SMMEs participated in the Global Exporter Passport Programme (GEPP) training. The Programme also conducted two (2) Export awareness seminar programmes in the Govan Mbeki and Thembisile Hani Local Municipalities with 85 and 142 SMMEs in attendance, respectively. In order to bolster its support for trade and export promotion initiatives, a functional Provincial Trade and Investment Forum was established. During the period under review, eleven (11) market intelligence reports were produced to inform business of new market opportunities in Angola, Dubai (UAE), Brazil, Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Thailand, South Korea and Austria. Regarding the process of implementing the Nkomazi SEZ Interim Phase, the interim Board is in place to drive the implementation of the SEZ Interim Phase. Furthermore, the Entity has been registered as – Mpumalanga Nkomazi SEZ SOC LTB, however, it is proposed that this Entity becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of MEGA for efficiency and competitiveness. The SEZ Layout plan and General Plan is approved to in line with the needs of the confirmed investors, and currently in the process of addressing the issue of the detailed engineering designs. In relation to the Petro-Chemical Technology Industrial Technology Park in Govan Mbeki, the General Plan was approved by the Surveyor General. The Department is now busy with the process of the opening of the township register, which requires Section 53 approval from the Department of Mineral Resources, thereafter, the project would be completed. The four sectors (Forestry, Mining, Manufacturing/ Agro-processing and Green Economy) that the Programme is pursuing are aimed at growing the provincial economy that creates more job opportunities for the people of the province. Guided by the Industrial Development Plan, Mpumalanga Green Economy Development Plan and Mpumalanga Economic Recovery and Reconstruction Plan (MERRP), the programme in partnership with stakeholders from the four sectors have embarked on initiatives geared towards stimulating economic growth and job creation which are contributing meaningfully towards Outcome 2: Economic Transformation and Job Creation. Through the Incubation Programme which forms part of the Industrialisation Programme we are developing small enterprises as a mechanism to drive inclusive growth and development. In addition to this we are also pursuing the new economies focusing on Green Economy to promote sustainable clean energy, including a healthy living environment. The Programme worked with the Mpumalanga Green Economy Cluster Agency to promote and coordinate the rollout of the Green Economy Development Plan. The Green Economy Cluster Agency is critical for the implementation of projects that would support initiatives in the “Just Transition Programme” enabling moving to a cleaner energy producing environment within Mpumalanga. The Green Economy Cluster Agency would thus ensure that deserving


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