Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

Reasons for


None None


from planned target to Actual

Achievement 2023/2024


Achievement 2023/2024

4 Quarterly

engagement session

facilitated for

the Provincial B-BBEE



Planned Annual Target 2023/2024

4 Engagement sessions

facilitated for the

Provincial B-BBEE

Advisory Council





New Indicator Institutions

were requested to nominate

people to serve in the Council

after the call

for nominees

done through newspaper

advert failed to

attract relevant applicants.

Memo of



to serve in

the Council


Audited Actual Performance 2021/2022

60 Sub-Programme: Economic Empowerment Outcome Output Output Indicator Provincial B-BBEE Advisory Council facilitated and supported Number of quarterly engagement sessions

facilitated for

the Provincial

B-BBEE Advisory Council

**Actual achievement reported in relation to the performance information reflected in the re-tabled Annual Performance Plan. Linking performance with budgets The sub-programme Economic Empowerment was allocated a budget of R5 802 million to execute its priorities in line with the Annual Performance Plan. It must be noted that the bulk of the allocated budget was more on the Compensation of Employees with less funds for funding the projects on goods and services. The allocated budget was not sufficient to enable the sub-programme to provide the necessary intervention to deliver its full mandate.

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