Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

Reasons for


None None

None None


from planned target to Actual

Achievement 2023/2024


Achievement 2023/2024

2 youth and

Women owned Waste Buy

back Centers

supported with Machinery

to capacitate

supplies to large

waste converters

2 SMME in


plant supported

with production inputs


Annual Target 2023/2024

2 youth and

Women owned Waste Buy

back Centers

supported with Machinery

to capacitate supplies to

large waste


Support 2

Agro-processing SMMEs with production inputs

Audited Actual Performance 2022/2023

6 youth and


Waste Buy-back

Centres supported

with machinery to

capacitate supplies to large waste converters

were assisted with

production inputs



Performance 2021/2022

6 Cooperatives

and 6 SMME’s

supported to participate

in the Waste


Programme. The


also assisted them with PPEs.

New Indicator 4 agro processors

55 The Programme contributes towards the following institutional outcome as per the Annual Performance Plan: Sub-Programme: Enterprise Development Outcome Output Output Indicator Inclusive, diversified and growing economy Green Economy SMMEs supported Number of youth and Women owned Waste Buy back Centers supported with Machinery to enable supplies to large waste converters Township based Agro processors facilitated for market readiness Number of SMME Agro processing plants supported by facilitating access to markets and production inputs by linking them to incentives

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