Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

Reasons for


Officials did

not apply for individual

courses that

were part of the WSP.


of the parties - Presiding

Officer and the respondent parties


from planned target to Actual

Achievement 2023/2024

4 % compliance on WSP

implementation was not achieved

90% of

grievance were not resolved within the



(However, 80%

were resolved outside the



(4 out of 5

and 10% not finalised)


Achievement 2023/2024

WSP developed

and submitted: 71% of the WSP was


10% (1)


resolved within

the stipulated timeframe.


Annual Target 2023/2024

100% compliance on HR utilisation and labour relations prescripts: WSP implemented 100% grievances resolved within the stipulated timeframes

46 In this section, a department must explain with reasons on instances where standardised outputs and output indicators have not been incorporated in the Annual Performance Plans and therefore not implemented and reported on in the Annual Report. Sub-Programme: Corporate Services Purposes: To render Corporate Services Outcome Output Output Indicator Audited Actual Performance 2021/2022 Audited Actual Performance 2022/2023 An ethical, well coordinated, enabling and capable center of business excellence Human Resource Planning and Information Systems 100% compliance on HR utilisation and labour relations prescripts. New Indicator 100% compliance on HR utilisation and labour relations prescripts achieved. 146 training intervention were implemented, which benefited 70 employees. 80% of grievances finalised outside the stipulated timeframe

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