Economic Development Annual Report
Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6
3. ACHIEVEMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL IMPACTS AND OUTCOMES Each department should state the Impacts and Outcomes as per the Strategic Plan and the progress made towards the achievement of the five-year targets in relation to the outcome indicators. The department must highlight significant achievements with regard to the contribution toward the 2019-24 Medium Term Strategic Framework and the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (where applicable). Departments should comment on any amendments to the Strategic Plan, where applicable. DEPARTMENTAL IMPACT AND OUTCOMES: Impact: Thriving, Inclusive Economy and Reduced Poverty and Inequality Outcomes: • Inclusive, diversified and growing economy • Inclusive, competitive and sustainable tourism industry • An ethical, well-coordinated, enabling and capable centre of business excellence The 2019-2024 Strategic Plan commits the Department to the MFSF priority areas of Economic Transformation and Job Creation and A Capable, Ethical and Developmental State. Our strategic focus and impact in the current MTSF cycle is, thus, to create a thriving inclusive economy and reduce poverty and inequality within the Province. This impact solely depends on the attainment of the three strategic outcomes; namely, An economically informed and responsive client; Inclusive, diversified and growing provincial economy; and Inclusive, competitive and sustainable tourism industry. We acknowledge our duty to demonstrate to stakeholders how we are achieving the strategy and creating value over the short, medium and longer term. This Report, therefore, provides highlights on how well the Department fared, amidst varying challenges, in stimulating economic growth and development as we create sustainable and decent employment, economic transformation and alleviation of poverty. The National Development Plan: Vision 2030 will continue to serve as a guiding bible for implementation by the country and the province. The sixth administration has on a continuous basis implemented the NDP in relation to chapter 3 which is about the economy and employment and other chapters such chapter 4 that is on economy infrastructure and 6 that is about an integrated and inclusive rural economy. Our commitments and work during the reporting period were in keeping with the key priorities of government, mainly to tackle the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment. Our role and responsibility, in the current 2019-2024 MTSF period was to champion the priority 2: economic transformation and job creation as well as priority:1 building a capable, ethical and developmental state that it the implementation plan of the National Development Plan. The three strategic outcomes of the Department are: first an inclusive, diversified and growing provincial economy. Second, an inclusive, competitive and sustainable tourism industry; and, last an ethical, well-coordinated, enabling and capable center of business excellence.
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