Economic Development Annual Report
Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6
The Department focused on the implementation of the Mpumalanga Industrial Development Plan which seeks to industrialise the Province whilst also intervening in the rural and township economy. As a result, the Department is focusing on establishing a Special Economic Zone to focus primarily on manufacturing, using the latest technology as part of the industrialisation programme. Public Private Partnerships During the period under review, the Department did not enter into any Public Private Partnership (PPP) agreements Discontinued key activities or activities to be discontinued No activities were discontinued during the year under review. New or proposed key activities None Supply Chain Management No unsolicited bid proposals were concluded during the year under review; The Department follows SCM processes and systems to prevent irregular expenditure; The challenges experienced during the process of acquiring goods and services related to non-responsive bids and protracted procurement processes. The Department made use of transversal contracts and contracts entered into by other arms of state in order to increase the likelihood and speed up the process of concluding procurement processes. Gifts and Donations received in kind from non-related parties None Exemptions and deviations received from the National Treasury None Events after the reporting date On 16 July 2024, the MIFPM was official handed over to the DARDLEA as the construction process was finalised.
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