Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

4. REPORT OF THE ACCOUNTING OFFICER Departmental receipts Departmental receipts 2022/2023 2023/2024 Estimate Actual Amount Collected (Over)/Under Collection Estimate Actual Amount Collected

(Over)/Under Collection

R’000 R’000


R’000 R’000


Tax Receipts Casino taxes

169 385 577 883 (408 498)

637 075 850 420 (213 345)

55 449 83 138 104 536 483 838

(27 689) (379 302)

83 151 79 904 541 849 759 631 12 075 10 885

3 247

Horse racing taxes

(217 782)

Liquor licences

9 400

10 907

(1 507)

1 190

Motor vehicle licences Sale of goods and services other than capital assets Transfers received Fines, penalties and forfeits Interest, dividends and rent on land









1 315

4 399

(3 084)

1 378

7 985

(6 607)

Sale of capital assets

234 642



245 673

164 374


Financial transactions in assets and liabilities

3 825

(3 183)


Total 639 577 859 320 (219 743) The total revenue collected on behalf of the Department was R859, 320, 000 against a target of R639, 577, 000, representing an over-collection of 34%. During the reporting period, the main revenue collection sources for the Department were gambling levies, as well as liquor licence fees, collected through the Mpumalanga Economic Regulator (MER). The licence fees and taxes are established through legislation. The over-collection is attributed to online gambling activities which are regulated by the MER, and these may be negatively affected in future by the ongoing legal processes which are not within the Department’s control. The capital assets sold during the year were motor vehicles which were used well beyond the prescribed maximum mileage or vehicles for which the life to date expenditure exceeded the original purchase price. 171 773 586 230 (414 457)


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