Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

Programme 4: business regulation and governance % of consumer cases resolved within specified timeframes

20. An achievement of 99,6% consumer cases resolved within specified timeframes was reported against a target of 100%. I could not determine whether the reported achievement was correct, as the indicator was not well defined and adequate supporting evidence to clarify the methods and processes for measuring achievement were not provided. Consequently, the reported achievement might be more or less than reported and was not reliable for determining if the target has been achieved.

Other matter

21. I draw attention to the matter below. Achievement of planned targets

22. The annual performance report includes information on reported achievements against planned targets and provides explanations for over or underachievements. This information should be considered in the context of the material findings on the reported performance information. 23. The tables that follow provides information on the achievement of planned targets and lists the key indicators that were not achieved as reported in the annual performance report. The reasons for any underachievement of targets are included in the annual performance report on pages xx to xx. Programme 4: business regulation and governance

Targets achieved: 40% Budget spent: 97,61% Key indicator not achieved

Planned target

Reported achievement

% of consumer cases resolved within specified timeframes Number of reviewed business licensing, gambling and liquor policies and guidelines Number of new policies on the informal sector in line with applicable norms and standards


99,6% consumer cases resolved within specified timeframes 2 reviewed Mpumalanga Gambling and Liquor Licensing Act



Not achieved Progress to date:

The development of the provincial informal sector policy is now awaiting consolidation and validation, a process, which will be followed by final approval, and launching of the informal sector policy for the province


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