Economic Development Annual Report
Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6
Resolution No.
Response by the department
Resolved (Yes/No)
Disciplinary processes have been finalised, and the outcome has been referred to the State Attorneys to advice on prospects for successful recovery.
6.1.5- The Accounting Officer must submit to the Committee Annexures A and B (letters from the official and to the State Attorneys) that was made referenced to, but not included in the above responses, pertaining to the individual responsible for the previous financial year’s irregular expenditure amounting to R10 674 000.00.
Financial Statements, Performance Report and Annual Report
7.1.1- The Accounting Officer must ensure that Annual Financial Statements to be submitted to the Auditor-General (AG) are prepared in accordance with prescribed Financial Reporting Framework as required by Section 40(1) (b) of the PFMA; and ensure there is no recurrence of this contravention in subsequent financial years.
The Department drafted financial statements on the basis of all available information at the time of submission. The Auditor General follows procedures making use of information which is not necessarily available to the Department, or which was not available at the time of the drafting of the financial statements. These additional procedures of the Auditor General highlighted factors which the Department was not aware at the time of drafting.
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