Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6



HOW THE DEPARTMENT ADDRESSED THE MATTERS The Department has not received any progress on the status of the appointment of the Accounting Officer. It must be noted that the appointment of the Accounting Officer is a competency of the Office of the Premier.

07 March 2024)

The Department must keep the Committee abreast on the status of approval of the report with a recommendation that was submitted to the Executive Council for consideration, with regards to filling the vacant position of the Accounting Officer (HOD). A progress report in this regard must be submitted to the Committee before the end of the fourth quarter of the current 2023/24 financial year. The Department must keep the Committee abreast on the status of appointing the permanent Board of the Nkomazi Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and further ensure that this is completed by the end of the fourth quarter of the current 2023/24 financial year, as this process is overdue. Moreover, the entity must keep the Committee abreast on the process of establishing the SEZ entity as a wholly owned subsidiary of MEGA. The department must further provide progress in this regard by 30 April 2024. The Department must ensure the finalisation of the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Mpumalanga 360-degree Route Project, as well as the two (02) Municipal Tourism Sector Plans before the end of the current 2023/24 financial year; and further, submit a progress report in this regard not later than 30 April 2024.


The process of appointing a new permanent Board to Nkomazi SEZ Entity is progressing well and the advertisements of Board Members have now closed, forty (40) applications were received. The Department is currently scrutinising these applications against the legislative requirements of SEZ Legislation, where after the matter would be submitted to the MEC for final appointment.

The Department has already appointed Service Providers in February and March 2024 for the two projects. In respect of 360 – degree Route project, the stakeholder consultations and engagements have been conducted and a preliminary report produced. However, in regard to the development of the municipal tourism plans, the inception meeting has been conducted and a report thereof produced by the service provider. The Department is anticipating to finalise both these projects by June 2024 after all the necessary stakeholder consultations and final reports are concluded.


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