Economic Development Annual Report
Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6
MATTER RAISED BY PORTFOLIO The department must keep the Committee abreast on the status of the approval of the report with a recommendation that was submitted to the Executive Council, with regards to filling the vacant position of the Accounting Officer (HOD); as well as the concurrence of the Executive Council on the submitted report based on the interviews that were conducted on the positions of the Chief Executive Officers (CEO’s) for the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) and Mpumalanga Economic Regulator (MER). Furthermore, the department must provide a progress report on the status of filling these strategic positions, on a quarterly basis, during the current 2023/24 financial year. The department must submit a progress report with regards to the appointment of the Loss Control Committee (LCC) within five (05) days of tabling of this report.
HOW THE DEPARTMENT ADDRESSED THE MATTERS The Department, through the Office of the Premier, is currently working towards filling the vacant post of Head of Department, and those of the two (2) Chief Executive Officers of our Entities; namely, the MTPA and MER. We also commit to update the Committee on a quarterly basis, with regards to the progress made in filling the three (3) strategic positions.
24 August 2023
The Loss Control Committee has been appointed with effect from July 2023 and it had its first meetings and discussed the irregular expenditure worth R117 million. The Committee categorised the irregular expenditure into two folds; one being the irregular expenditure to be de-registered and to be condoned after following all due processes in line with the framework.
(1st Quarter Report)
The Department must keep the Committee abreast on the status of approval of the report with a recommendation that was submitted to the Executive Council for consideration, with regards to filling the vacant position of the Accounting Officer. A progress report in this regard must be submitted to the Committee on or before 13 October 2023.
The Department has to date not received any feedback on whether the submission has set before EXCO for a final decision or not. It must be noted that the appointment of Accounting Officers is a responsibility of the Office of the Premier.
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