Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

During the financial year, Risk Management Unit has conducted awareness in risk management and ethics to all employees through workshop, to assist employees to understand the system of risk management and their role in the process. Brief workshops were also provided when conducting risk assessment for the different units. The Risk Management Committee evaluation report as at the end of the 2023/24 financial year presents 96% (very good assessment) on the effectiveness of the Risk Management Committee in the Department. This is a 2% improvement from last financial year. The report also shows that an average of 39% attendance of all the 2023/24 financial year Risk Management Committee meeting by members. 3. FRAUD AND CORRUPTION The Department has adopted the National Anti-Corruption Strategy affirms Government’s zero tolerance stance towards fraud, corruption and theft. The Department has customised the strategy and developed a Departmental Fraud Prevention and Anti-Corruption Policy and Strategy in line with the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, as a commitment towards zero-tolerance stance with regard to unethical practices such as fraudulent, corrupt and any other criminal activity both internal and external. Fraud and corruption pose significant risks to Government and its assets and has a negative impact on the delivery of services. The Accounting Officer and Management have set the tone to lead the Department ethically, effectively and responsibly within the parameters of the law, as outlined in the PFAMA. There are various ways in which Departmental officials and members of the public can report suspected fraudulent and corrupt activities, such as through the Presidential Hotline, Public Service Commission (PSC), Provincial Anti Corruption Hotline, anonymous email, and letters. The Department has developed Whistle-blowing Policy for reporting of any allegation of the fraud and corruption. All reported allegations of fraud and corruption are received and recorded in the case management system by the Integrity Management Unit in the Office of the Premier for investigations. The system is utilised as a management tool to give feedback on progress relating to the reported cases, as well as to generate the statistics for the Province and the Department. When the recommendations from the Integrity Management Unit are received, they are implemented by the Department and progress reports are presented and discussed in the Risk Management and Audit Committee meetings. Any whistle blower reporting suspicious activities of fraud, corruption, theft and maladministration is protected in terms of the Protected Disclosure Act, and individuals are afforded an opportunity to remain anonymous, should they elect so. A firm foundation has been established to move towards a mature risk environment and everyone is

demonstrating commitment towards achieving risk mitigation control objectives. 4. MINIMISING CONFLICT OF INTEREST

The financial disclosure process takes place annually and should any conflict of interest be identified it is dealt with in accordance to the Public Service Regulations 2016, as amended and related prescripts. Officials who failed to disclose or do not disclose all their interests are taken through the disciplinary processes as per prescripts. There was one approval that was granted by the Executive Authority to an official to engage in other remunerative work outside the public service (RWOPs).


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