Economic Development Annual Report
Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6
Key summary of achievements: • Maintenance and cleaning of industrial areas • Increased fruits yield due to better spraying and maintenance of farms
• Safe and patrolled environments • Saved jobs that were to be lost • Controlled veld fires • Alien plants removed • Clean day visitor centre • Safe and patrolled environments • Controlled soil erosion • De-bushing • Painting work
All targets were implemented as planned. Monthly and quarterly evaluation reports were submitted to National Department of Public Works and Infrastructure. Most of the projects started on time during the period under review. However, we experienced some delay in the procurement of protective clothing. It should also be noted that the limited resources are limiting the number of entrants into the programme. The table below details the conditional grants and earmarked funds received during for the period 01 April 2023 to 31 March 2024: Conditional Grant: Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) Department who transferred the grant National Department of Public Works and Infrastructure Purpose of the grant To create jobs within the Environment and Cultural Centre
Job creation and poverty reduction
Expected outputs of the grant
184 jobs were created during the 2023-2024 financial year
Actual outputs achieved
R3 816 000
Amount per amended DORA
R3 816 000
Amount received (R’000)
Reasons if amount as per DORA was not received
R3 816 000
Amount spent by the department (R’000)
None; all funds spent
Reasons for the funds unspent by the entity Reasons for deviations on performance Measures taken to improve performance Monitoring mechanism by the receiving department
Attendance Register, Salary Register, Physical head count were conducted during site visits
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