Seasons Gree Ɵ ngs
As 2020 draws to a close and our thoughts turn to taking some Ɵ me to spend with our loved ones, we are reminded daily that there are many less fortunate than ourselves.
While Epoch, and you, our clients, have been through trying Ɵ mes, we have been shielded from the worst of the fall out associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. In being mindful of how many people have been deprived of the means to earn a living and to support their families we would like to ‘pay it forward’. In the midst of all that has happened, we have re Ň ected deeply on how we run our business and what we need to do to keep it sustainable in a world that seems as if it has changed irreversibly. In doing so we have decided that our tradi Ɵ on of giving gi Ō s to our clients may not be appropriate. In lieu of gi Ō s this year we are passing on our gra Ɵ tude by making a series of dona Ɵ ons, in your name , to organisa Ɵ ons focussed on caring for and suppor Ɵ ng those in need.
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