DST 4th Edition Handbook INTERACTIVE

LEGAL SERVICES Legal Services ensures that the interests of the Department are protected against any legal risk. Legal compliance is vital, not only to manage risk but also as a matter of good corporate governance and ethical behaviour. The function involves proactive and reactive leadership on legal matters and the resolution of potential or actual conflicts and legal challenges. SERVICE STANDARDS No. SERVICES ROLESAND RESPONSIBILITIES RESPONSE TIME ACCOUNTABILITY ESCALATION (a) Management of litigation processes. 1. When DSI is being sued, LSU receives and peruses court papers and consults with the relevant unit. In compliance with the Court Rules.

D: Regulatory& Legislative Compliance compliance@dst. gov.za

Head: Legal Services legal. escalations@dst. gov.za

2. When receiving instructions to institute court proceedings, LSU consults and receives all relevant documents related to the matter. 3. LSU routes submission together with the legal opinion to obtain Minister’s instructions regarding appropriate action. 4. Upon receipt of Minister’s instructions, LSU prepares instructions for Office of the State Attorney. 5. LSU together with the user, consults with the Office of the State Attorney



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