DST 4th Edition Handbook INTERACTIVE
FINANCE Finance ensures an effective, efficient, and economic utilisation of financial resources in line with financial prescripts. This includes budget planning and expenditure monitoring, as well as the management of procurement, acquisition, logistics, assets, and financial transactions. SERVICE STANDARDS No. SERVICES ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES RESPONSE TIME ACCOUNTABILITY ESCALATION FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING (FA) Cash on hand (petty cash) (a) Provision of petty cash. 1. User submits approved request for petty cash advance or claim together DD: Financial Accounting
D: Financial Accounting dfa.escalation@dst. gov.za DD: Financial Accounting Fa.escalation@dst. gov.za
with approved budget confirmation to the cashier using a Petty Cash Form as per the Petty Cash Policy. 2. Funds are issued to the user, subject to the availability of cash. 3. In cases where cash is not available, cash is issued to the user not more than 3 days later.
Immediately on request. Within 3 working days
Senior Accounting Clerk fapayments@dst. gov.za
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