Annual Report 2023-2024
ensure better compliance with section 40(1) of the PFMA, in so far as management’s review and monitoring of financial reports and performance information reports. Compliance with the relevant laws and regulations During the year, the Audit Committee, Management, Internal Audit, and Auditor-General of South Africa identified a number of instances of non-compliance with enabling laws and regulations. As a result, the Audit Committee recommended the establishment and implementation of an effective compliance management system to address issues of non-compliance with laws and regulations. Forensic Investigations There were two (2) new cases reported to Provincial Forensic Services. The Committee remained concerned with the slow implementation of recommendation on consequence management and will monitor progress on a quarterly basis. Prior to submission to the AGSA for auditing purposes, the Audit Committee reviewed the Department’s Annual Financial Statements. The Audit Committee agrees with and accepts the Auditor-General of South Africa’s conclusions regarding the Annual Financial Statements and recommends that the audited Annual Financial Statements be accepted and read with the Auditor-General’s report. Evaluation of Annual Financial Statements
Evaluation of Annul Report
The Audit Committee undertook the following activities related to annual report:
• Audit Committee reviewed and accepted final draft Annual Report (including performance report) at the audit committee meeting held on 26 July 2024 and noted the achievement for the year under review.
Audit Improvement Plan
The Audit Committee assessed and tracked the execution of the previous year’s audit findings on a quarterly basis.
The Audit Committee’s view is that there is room for improvement in this area, especially in terms of timely implementation, resolution of findings, and addressing the root causes of the Auditor-Generals findings and recommendations.
One-on-One Meeting with the Accounting Officer
The Audit Committee has met with the Accounting Officer of the Department to discuss concerns and address challenging issues affecting the Department’s control environment, where necessary.
Interaction with the Executive Authority
The Audit Committee submitted quarterly reports to the Executive Authority for the Department to apprise the MEC on the performance of the Department.
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