Annual Report 2023-2024
• Tenders that are classified as emergency projects. The projects will still be subjected to the bid committees: Bid Specification Committee, Bid Evaluation Committee and Bid Adjudication Committee. This will ensure that the necessary SCM processes, as well as prescripts are complied with. However, the committees with be cognisant of the time to process tenders, the processing must be shorter than normal bid processes. SCM Policy has been updated to the process that should be followed should a tender be regarded as an emergency; this increases the prevention of the irregular expenditure. • Challenges experienced in SCM, and the resolutions made. • The number of probity auditors available for the workload is not adequate and this will have an impact on deadlines not achieved and affect service delivery. It is recommended that GPT must increase the capacity of probity auditors. • Limited number of specific goals for the targeted group affect the target within SCM. The Department is in the process of augmenting maintenance panels targeting MV and PwD. • Manual submission exposed to possible human error. The Department is currently in the process of automating the procurement process. • Gifts and donations received in kind from non-related parties. The management of gifts and donations is administered by Directorate: Risk Management. It is the responsibility of the officials to ensure that all gifts and donations received are disclosed in the gift register. Through an inspection of the register, the Department has noted that no one has received gifts and donations during the year 2023/24. • Exemptions and deviations received from the National Treasury The Department did not receive any exemptions from National Treasury during the year under review. Supply chain management unit reported deviations and various projects to Gauteng Provincial Treasury and AGSA where contract amount were varied by more than 15% or R15 million for goods and services and 20% or R 20 million for construction projects as per Instruction Note 3 of 2021/22. • Events after the reporting date There are no events that happened after the reporting date that might require adjustment to the financial statement. Acknowledgements or Appreciation In conclusion, I would like to thank the Member of the Executive Council Mr Jacob Mamabolo, MPL, the staff of the Department, Audit Committee, Infrastructure Portfolio Committee, Client departments and all stakeholders who contributed to the work of the Department during the reporting period. Approval and sign-off In our opinion, the information provided in the Annual Report including both the performance information and annual financial statements reflect the operations of the department for the 2023/24 financial year. • Other There are no other matters for reporting in the financial year under review.
Ms Masabata Mutlaneng Accounting Officer: Department of Infrastructure Development Date: 31 May 2024
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