Annual Report 2023-2024
Programme Expenditure
(Over)/ Under Expenditure
(Over)/ Under Expenditure
Actual Expenditure
Actual Expenditure
Final Appropriation
Final Appropriation
Administration Public Works Infrastructure
531 820
530 334
1 486
479 238
448 389
30 849 55 815
2 969 044 2 953 562
15 482
2 726 377 2 670 562
Expanded Public Works Programme
272 421
272 421
149 620
123 530
26 090
3 773 285 3 756 317
16 968
3 355 235 3 242 482
112 753
The table above provides an analysis of Departmental expenditure performance per programme. In the year 2023/24 the Department was allocated a budget of R3,773 billion, to date R3,756 billion has been spent. Despite the 99,55% of the allocated budget being spent, the Department underspent by R16,9 million compared to R112 million in the previous financial year. Out of the R16,9 million underspent, R6,2 million related to alternative energy, R 5 million related to maintenance and repairs, R1,4 million related to legal services, and R4,1 million related to security services. Overall, the 2023/24 allocation increased from R3,3 billion in the prior year to R3,7 billion in the year 2023/24, increase is due to additional funding of R329 million received in relation to alternative energy and R100 million for office accommodation. Programme 1 Administration was allocated a budget of R531 million, to date R530 million was spent. The budget allocation for the current year increased by 11% compared to the previous financial year. The 11% increase in the budget allocation from the Provincial Treasury related to the settlement of court orders and cost of living adjustment. This programme provides strategic leadership to the Department and supports core programmes. All activities implemented within this programme are administrative. Underspending of R1,5 million related to legal services. The Department spent 99,7% of its allocation in the year 2023/24 compared to 93,5% in the year 2022/23. The Office of the MEC spent 100% of its allocated budget. Corporate Support spent 99,7% of its allocated budget and Management spent 100% of its allocated budget. Programme 2 The purpose of this programme is to deliver essential services mandated to the Department. A significant part of the Department’s budget is allocated to this programme. Public Works was allocated a budget of R2,9 billion in the year 2023/24 compared to R2,7 billion in the previous financial year. The overall increase is due to additional funding for alternative energy and office accommodation. To date, the Department spent 99,5% of its current year budget compared to 97,9% that was spent in the previous financial year. Underspending of R15,4 million relates to current year invoices for repairs and maintenance, alternative energy, and security services. The Department received services for these items in the year 2023/24, however, invoices were submitted for payment after the cut-off period and will be paid in the following year. Construction spent 98% of its allocated budget, Maintenance spent 104% of its allocated budget and Immovable Assets spent 99,6% of its allocated budget.
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