Annual Report 2022-2023

Resolution No. Subject Details Response by the department Resolved (Yes/No) 15 Audit Action Plans That the Department must submit its audit action plan indicating for implementation by 31 January 2022. Please refer to the attached Audit Action Plan, Annexure B. Yes 16 That the Department must submit progress made in the implementation of its audit action plan by 31 January 2022 and every quarter thereafter until all resolutions are resolved. each area of finding by the AGSA in the 2020/21 financial year; plans to address the area of findings; and time frames

Please refer to the attached Audit Action Plan, Annexure B. Yes 17 That the Department must submit its assessment of the implications of its audit action plans to the current (2021/22) financial year 31 January 2022. 18 House Resolutions

Please refer to the attached Audit Improvement Plan, Annexure C. Yes

That the Department must respond to House Resolutions emanating from the oversight report of SCOPA on the report of the AGSA to the Legislature on its financial statements for the previous financial year, 2019/20, by 31 January 2022.



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