Annual Report 2022-2023
Resolution No. Subject Details Response by the department Resolved (Yes/No) 5. 3/5/2021 Allegation of irregular financial expenditure due to extension of 24/5/2021 Yes No Investigation is conducted by the consultants.
Consultants were given
60 days to conclude the investigations. Consultants were
appointed during the 1st
week of December 2021.
3/6/2021 Yes No Investigation is conducted by the consultants.
Consultants were given
60 days to conclude the investigations. Consultants were
appointed during the 1st
week of December 2021.
4/6/2021 Yes No Investigation is conducted by the consultants.
Consultants were given
60 days to conclude the investigations. Consultants were
appointed during the 1st
week of December 2021.
20/7/2021 Yes No Investigation is conducted by the consultants.
Consultants were given
60 days to conclude the investigations. Consultants were
appointed during the 1st
week of December 2021.
at Charlotte contractor and PSP. 20/7/2021 Yes No Investigation is conducted by the Consultants. Maxeke SCM, procurement of
Consultants were given
60 days to conclude the investigations. Consultants were
appointed during the 1st
week of December 2021.
project scope regarding
entire electrical reticulation
at Westrand
Clinics projects. 6. 1/6/2021 Investigation of Rebosis
Property Fund.
7. 2/6/2021 Investigation of ex post facto approval to
enter a second
addendum for
the Department of Community
Safety at no. 64
Pritchard Street. 8. 1/7/2021 Investigation
at Tlhokomelo
Primary School.
9. 2/7/2021 Investigation
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