Annual Report 2022-2023

1. INTRODUCTION The Department’s commitment to maintain the highest standards of governance is fundamental to the management of public finances and resources. The DID has good governance structures in place to utilise the state resources effectively, efficiently, and economically. 2. RISK MANAGEMENT The Department has an approved Enterprise Risk Management Framework, which is supported by an approved Enterprise Risk Management Policy. During the year under review, Strategic Risk Assessment and Control Risk Self-Assessments (Operational Risk Assessments) for all functions were conducted with progress on implementation of proposed mitigation actions tracked weekly through a war room. The results are reported monthly to the Senior Management Meeting chaired by the HOD, and the Executive Management Meeting chaired by the MEC and quarterly to oversight bodies such Risk Management Committee and Audit Committee – both chaired by independent people. In promoting good governance, the Risk Management Operational Committee is operational and is chaired by an independent non-executive chairperson. The Committee has met in all four quarters and is governed by an approved Terms of Reference. The Committee provides oversight on Governance Assurance and advises the HOD on the effectiveness of Risk Management. The Audit Committee meets quarterly to discuss quarterly reports by the Department. The Risk Management Report is one of the reports that are submitted to the Audit Committee for discussion, deliberation, and reports back on the implementation and effectiveness of Risk Management in the Department. The implementation of Risk Management Action Plans (Mitigating Actions) is monitored through the AGSA and the Risk Management War Room. The implementation of Action Plans assists in enhancing the Department’s performance, and where required, additional interventions are drafted and implemented. 3. FRAUD AND CORRUPTION The Department has an approved Fraud Prevention Plan containing the Fraud Risk Register. The implementation of Fraud Risk Action Plans is monitored and reported to oversight structures, e.g., Audit Committee. Mechanisms are in place to report fraud and corruption and how these operate. The need for officials to make confidential disclosure about perceived and/or actual incidents of fraud and corruption is encouraged through mechanisms such as the National Anti-Corruption Hotline (NACH), the Premier’s Hotline, etc. Reported cases of perceived and/or actual incidents of fraud and corruption are investigated, and, where required, consequence management is instituted against the transgressors. 4. MINIMISING CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Department has process in place to identify and manage potential conflicts of interest, including a disclosure through the Financial Disclosure Framework of the senior management service, as required by Chapter 3 of the Public Service Regulations, 1999, as amended. Other safeguards to manage conflict of interest are embedded in other applicable legislations and prescripts across all functions. For example, all officials involved in the supply chain management process are required to recognise and disclose any conflict of interest that may arise during the process. Official doing remunerated work outside public service are required to request approval prior to them conducting such businesses amongst others.



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