Annual Report 2022-2023
List of institutional outcomes that Programme 1 contributes towards
Outcome 1: Optimised public-owned fixed property portfolio Outcome 4 : Increased contribution of infrastructure spending on socio-economic development Outcome 6: Capable, ethical, and developmental organisation
Outcomes, Outputs, Output Indicators, Targets and Actual Achievements The Department continues to work in improving economic involvement and emancipation of designated groups such as women, people with disabilities, youth, including black-owned enterprises. These efforts are mainly extended through its procurement processes which aim at prioritising black-owned businesses, thus responding to Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) requirements. During the 2022/23 financial year, the Department achieved its targets on procurement allocated to black-owned enterprises, in particular procurement allocated to black women-owned enterprises, and this was mainly due to awards made through the maintenance panel and the large representation of these previously disadvantaged businesses. However, the Department faced challenges in terms of achieving targets of procurement allocated to youth-owned enterprises, people with disabilities and military veterans and these challenges relate to a low response from these groups. The Department is making strides to ensure the prioritisation of appointments to these groups by only selecting projects where these groups will compete with each other. On procurement for Township Enterprises Revitalisation (TER), the target of 30% was also not achieved due to low response from this group. This then means that mandatory sub-contracting should be enforced, especially where the project takes place in a township area. The Department’s senior management has denounced fruitless and wasteful expenditure by ensuring that it is written off. The writing-off has resulted in a100% reduction compared with the prior year’s fruitless and wasteful expenditure, thus over-achieving the 30% reduction. Another notable achievement recorded by the Department is the 100% reduction in the number of material findings on audit of predetermined objectives.
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