Annual Report 2022-2023

Current/actual complaints mechanism

Desired complaints mechanism Actual achievements

Complaints are received through various mechanisms including the Office of the Premier’s platform.

Develop an integrated complaints/ citizen feedback management strategy to ensure complaints and enquiries are finalised within acceptable timeframes.

Adequate management and resolving of the complaints received by the Department through the integrated complaints management system. The department received +-60 enquiries on job opportunities which is currently being finalised. The agreement with the Office of the Premier was that within FY2023/2024 the Department will establish the list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that will be responded to by first call on contact. Only those cases that cannot be resolved and require actioning be escalated and these information enquiries shouldn’t be treated as complaints.

2.3. Organisational Environment

The Department held a two-day BMT strategic planning session is to reflect and take stock on detailed performance over the period 2019/20 to 2021/22, in delivering on our strategic intent as reflected in the Strategic Plan 2020–2025 and the MEC’s Delivery Agreement. The strategic planning session agreed on several resolutions which include: • Alignment of Budget with plans that respond to needs of communities on the ground; • Ensure that the strategic outcomes are aligned to the achievement of strategic goals, particularly systems, processes, and people; • Enhance the way property optimisation, project prioritisation and project valuation are conducted; and • Strengthen the use of existing technologies and systems to enhance data driven policy and decision making across the infrastructure value chain. During the financial year 2022/23, the Department did not receive any material findings on audit of pre-determined objectives (AOPO). This achievement is attributed to the control measures that have been put in place to drive accountability and ensure that the unqualified audit finding of the previous financial year is maintained.

2.4. Key Policy Developments and Legislative Changes

During the 2022/23 financial year, the Department did not make any policy changes or legislation that may have affected operations.



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