Annual Report 2022-2023
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3. Has the Department introduced an Employee
The Employee Assistance is implemented through the wellness Management pillar as guided by the DPSA EHW Strategic Framework The Department offers a workplace Employee Assistant program that is, effective and highly utilised. The Department has contracted with Life Health Solutions to provide counselling services to employees and their dependants. The department health and productivity management policy are in place and caters for the following: • Support for short/ long-term ill health, incapacity management and ill health retirement; • Awareness and promotion of mental health and resilience building; • Routine onsite health checks and screening services for chronic and lifestyle diseases; and • Management of non-communicable and communicable diseases. The services for Wellness Management include: • Promotion of individual physical wellness; • Provision of individual psychosocial support; • Provision of organisational wellness; • Provision of work life balance interventions; and • Advisory services on life issues. The health and productivity services include: • Provision of work reintegration support to employees who are returning from long sick absences; • Provision of support to employees who are undergoing incapacity and ill health Retirement processes; and • Mental health and resilience building; and • Management of non-communicable and communicable diseases. The HIV and AIDS, STI and TB Management services • Provision of voluntary testing and counselling; Implementation of peer education programme; and Distribution of condoms; and HIV/AIDS, STI and TB education, and awareness through commemorative Health calendar of events.
Assistance or Health Promotion Programme for your employees? If so, indicate the key elements/ services of this Programme.
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