Annual Report 2022-2023

Resolution No. Subject Details Response by the department Resolved (Yes/No) 4 Restatement of Prior Year Amounts That the Department must implement adequate processes to curb restatements of


To curb restatement of corresponding figures, the Department has taken a decision that financial statements will be prepared monthly, quarterly, and at year end. This initiative will ensure that errors identified at the end of the month are not carried over to the next month and are corrected on time. It is through this key control that the Department is providing preventative control instead of reactive control. The Department has initiated an “Audit War Room,” whereby, all the financial statement disclosure notes are presented and discussed. This platform allows Directors, Chief Directors and DDGs to illustrate to the Department, challenges that they encounter within their respective areas and take accountability of the figures that would be disclosed in the financial statements by signing off the accuracy letter stipulating that information submitted is complete and accurate. Directors manage the process of finalising the figures for respective disclosure notes as per their areas of responsibility and submit same to Finance to be included on the financial statements. During the process of preparation, they then ensure that there is no information that is omitted on the note to avoid incompleteness/understatements and overstatements. Finance section would then have an oversight of the submitted note and if there are any concerns, they would be raised with the relevant unit for correction or clarity. Relevant supporting documents would be shared with Finance to compile a pack of the financial statements. The following quality assurance are provided before the financials are submitted to Office of the Auditor General. • Finance Management

Provides a detailed level review of all notes on the financial statements including the relevant preparation guide as per accounting standards or National Treasury guidelines. • Internal Control The Internal Control unit will also provide a review of the financial statements, and issue a formal report based on their findings. • Provincial Treasury

The PAG office in the Gauteng Treasury will also assist the Department through a review of the Annual financial statements to ensure that all notes are properly prepared. Based on the finding identified, a report will be issued to Finance unit. • Audit Committee The Audit Committee also advises the Department on issues that are not properly presented and provide guidance on any amendments. All comments and review notes raised by Treasury and the Audit Committee were addressed and factored in the revised Annual Financial Statements submitted on the 25 May 2022. DID is no longer the implementing agent on the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital (CMJAH) project. The project has since been handed over to the National Department of Health. This is in line with the Proclamation issued by the Premier of Gauteng terminating the Department’s services on the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital (CMJAH) project. The proclamation issued in February 2022 is attached, see Annexure B.

corresponding figures and provide the Committee with a progress report

detailing the effectiveness of the processes by 31 January 2022 and a

quarterly progress report

continuing up until the end of June 2022.

That the Department submits a progress

report on completion of

repairing the fire damage at Charlotte Maxeke

Johannesburg Academic Hospital by 31 January

2022 and thereafter every quarter continuing until finalisation thereof.

5 Subsequent Event



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