Department of Infrastructure Development Annual Report 2021-2022

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 | 2022

2.2 Service Delivery Improvement Plan

The Department has completed a Service Delivery Improvement Plan. The tables below highlight the service delivery plan and the achievements to date.

Main services and standards

Current/actual standard of service

Desired standard of service

Main services


Actual achievement

Impumelelo Community Library

Citizens/ Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation/ Municipalities

The anticipated construction end date was 31 March 2022

100% complete

Phase 1 – Complete Phase 2 - Currently waiting for the request for service and budget confirmation to do phase 2 (external works, electrical mini substation and refuse yard)

Batho Pele arrangements with beneficiaries (Consultation access, etc.)

Current/actual arrangements

Desired arrangements

Actual achievements

Conduct on-site meetings with contractors to discuss progress of the projects

Continuous engagements with the relevant stakeholders (client, contractor and MEC) to discuss the progress of the projects

On-site meetings with contractors and client departments

Provide project status report to the client that is accurate and relevant

Ensure that the client departments have timeous access to the project status report

Client departments provided with status report on a continuous basis

Service delivery information tool

Current/actual information tools

Desired information tools

Actual achievements

Primavera System

Electronic Service Delivery system

Implemented an effective Project Management System to monitor the delivery of the DID’s projects on time, within budget and expected standards

Complaints mechanism

Current/actual complaints mechanism

Desired complaints mechanism

Actual achievements

The DID has placed compliments/ complaints and suggestion boxes at all its service delivery receptions. The Gauteng Office of the Premier (OoP) has also developed a CRM system, where all the departments in Gauteng are able to capture their responses to their departmental complaints and submit to the Office of the Premier.

Departmental compliments/ complaints and suggestions system

Achieved in implementing a manual system. In the process of establishing a DID electronic system with clear roles and responsibilities

On-site trouble shooting meeting with the client and contractors

Continuous on-site meeting with clients and contractors



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