Department of Infrastructure Development Annual Report 2021-2022

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 | 2022



Resolution No. Subject Details Response by the Department 4.2 Submit the plan developed and adopted by the

• All interest or expenditure incurred invain by the Department in relation to late payment or where due care was not exercised before committing will have to be submitted to the HOD in a form of submission for approval. • The submission must clearly state the course for fruitless and wasteful, who us liable and recovery process. • The costs incurred in relation to interest charged due to late or non-payment have reduced drastically compared to prior year due to improvement in paying invoices that related to utilities on time. Irregular Expenditure

Unathorised Expenditure Finance presents the financial position of the Department every month to the management and any over expenditure is followed up to ensure that the Department does not incur any possible unauthorised expenditure. Fruitless and wasteful expenditure A memo was issued to all staff members stating the following: The current financial delegation policy has been revised as follows:

SCM has issued a circular to all business units explain the processes and procedures that needed to be followed when applying for variation order. Letters of reminders are also forwarded to heads of branches regarding contracts that will be expiring in the next six months to start the procurement process. During the year under review, SCM conducted an in house training with officials regarding new SCM prescripts issued by National Treasury. All SCM policies were reviewed and approved before year end.

Accounting Officer to

prevent unauthorised, irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure and

losses resulting from criminal conduct.



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