Resolved (Yes/No)
Resolution No.
Response by the department
Second Quarterly Performance Report for 2019/20 financial year
The Department should provide the Portfolio Committee with factors that contributed to underspending reported in Development and Planning; Administration and Traditional Institutional Management.
Underspending on Programme 1 Administration: Underspending on this programme is a result of the Department being unable to source the building as accommodation for staff members as a result commodity such as telephones, cleaning services, security services, municipal services including partitions for the building were budgeted for but expenditure could not be incurred as planned. Programme 3: Development and Planning: Under- expenditure on this programme is due to the projects that were not implemented during the period under review as committees were still in the process of finalising the processes and the appointment of probity auditors by Treasury. • Programme 4: Traditional Institutional Management: The local authorities have not yet submitted financial records for the funds that were previously transferred therefore, current year transfers were not yet done during the reporting period. The Department will ensure that most of the projects that are due for implementation and those that are due for completion are all done so that invoices are settled and other invoices with service providers are speeded. All this efforts and mechanism are to ensure that under-expenditure is curbed and service delivery is realised for the coming two quarters and beyond. Also the delay is the late appointment of probity auditors by Treasury that sits at committees meetings.
Second Quarterly Performance Report for 2019/20 financial year
The Department should ensure that it put measures in place to avert underspending on the remaining quarters (3&4) of 2019/20 financial year.
G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 70
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