Deviation from

Actual Achievement 2016/2017

Actual Achievement 2017/2018

Actual Achievement 2018/2019

Actual Achievement 2019/2020

planned target to Actual Achievement 2019/2020

Comment on deviations

Planned Target 2019/2020

Performance Indicator

Number of municipal compliance reports in terms of Municipal Finance Management Act; Munici - pal Property Systems Act and Remu- neration of Public Office Bearers Act. Rates Act; Municipal

4 Monitoring reports on DoRA grants expenditure and munic- ipal unau- thorised; irregular; fruitless and wasteful expenditure reported.

4 Municipal compliance reports in terms of Municipal Finance Management Act; Munici - pal Property Systems Act and Remu- neration of Public Office Bearers Act. Rates Act; Municipal 10 Munic- ipalities guided to comply with the Munici - pal Property Rates Act.

4 Municipal compliance reports in terms of Municipal Finance Management Act; Munici - pal Property Systems Act and Remu- neration of Public Office Bearers Act. Rates Act; Municipal 10 Munic- ipalities guided to comply with the Munici - pal Property Rates Act.

4 Municipal compliance reports in terms of Municipal Finance Management Act; Munici - pal Property Systems Act and Remu- neration of Public Office Bearers Act. 9 Municipal- ities guided to comply with the Municipal Property Rates Act. Rates Act; Municipal

4 Municipal compliance reports in terms of Municipal Finance Management Act; Munici - pal Property Systems Act and Remu- neration of Public Office Bearers Act. 9 Municipal- ities guided to comply with the Municipal Property Rates Act. Rates Act; Municipal



Number of municipali- ties guided to comply with the Municipal Property Rates Act

10 Munici- palities that are compli- ant with the Municipal Property Rates Act.



(Outcome 9: Sub-outcome 5) (B2B Pillar 4).

G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 50

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