Nine more learners with disabilities will be receiving bursaries during the last quarter of 2019/20 FY. 7. Girl Child Campaign by the Premier - The Department was part of the planning committee for the Premier’s event on Girl Child. The event took place on the 29th October 2019 and the Department supported the event financially and with human capacity. 8. Community Work Programme - The Department monitors the programme and play a support role provincially. Some of the activities which took place during the year were visits to the sites, Management Meetings, Provincial Coordinating Forum, Monitoring & Reporting Forum, and consolidating of reports. 9. Three (3) Municipalities provided with financial support to update and maintain Infrastructure Asset Registers in line with the GRAP 17 requirements. (Rand-West City, Lesedi, Emfuleni, LMs. Due to numerous audit findings in the Property, Plant and Equipment (assets) area, the Department is providing Asset Management support to municipalities to ensure that Asset Registers are compliant with the required GRAP Standards. The project assisted Lesedi, Emfuleni, Rand West City and Merafong City Local Municipalities with additional capacity to compile a GRAP 17 compliant Infrastructure Fixed Asset Registers. Asaresultof theinitiative, thesupportedmunicipalities have not had a negative finding relating to Property, Plant and Equipment in the last three years. In addition, the importance of maintaining an updated asset management system (asset register) which is GRAP compliant, is that it assists a municipality to have a system of complete and accurate records of assets. This enables the municipality to identify when it should maintain, refurbish or replace fixed assets as their values depreciates over year. This exercise assists in improving the effective, efficient and economical way in which services are delivered to the communities and therefore improving service delivery.
The following activities were undertaken in the period: • Review of fair value for immoveable, moveable and intangible assets; • Review and update of the Asset Management Procedures Manual; • Component level data for uploading to the asset register to account for capital was prepared; Asset movements were updated (including additional, de-recognitions, donations and transfers); Completeness of Geographical coordinates of all assets; Statutory annual review of impairments, reversal of impairments, losses useful life, residual value of assets, and depreciation methods; Annual verification of immovable assets and Landfill site provision; Ownership and control of inventory property and annual fair value; Review of undeveloped land, impairment, depreciation and revaluation; Review and update the WIP register, review reconciliations on opening balance in the asset register and movement in the general ledger to assets available for use, depreciation and work- in process, and review appropriate expenditure allocation and classification. 10. Two (2) OPCA PCCs convened to provide advisory support to municipalities on the implementation of the audit response plan. The consistent coordination of the OPCA PCC engagements and OPCA steering committee meetings has ensured that the municipal Audit Response Plans are developed by all Municipalities. The rigor with which the plans were assessed by all stakeholders has ensured that the municipalities address root causes versus addressing symptoms. The thoroughness of the assessment of the progress reports by the stakeholders and persistent follow up by the Department on the progress being made by the municipalities in implementing the plans has ensured that the progress is significant. In addition, • • • • • • •
G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 33
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