to improve administrative justice and the application of the legislative framework. Traditional Leaders will continue to get support from the Department to participate in municipal councils in terms of section 81 of the Municipal Structures Act. The support to participate in the IDP processes will also be continued. Decisive spatial transformation In contributing to province-wide infrastructure planning and performance, the Department will continue to support municipalities and play an integrative role between municipal and provincial planning matters. To this effect, the Department will enhance the work of the recently established CoGTA-led Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) War Room. The CAPEX War Room is comprised of relevant sector departments and SOEs, as a problem solving and intervention mechanism. Its scope includes identifying municipal infrastructure problem, ranging from planning, budgeting, skills shortages to implementation. Its main aim is to facilitate the implementation, of municipal infrastructure projects within planned timelines. Specifically, the CAPEX War Room will monitor Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) capital projects performance and other major infrastructure in the cities. In cases where underperformance is identified, intervention will be instituted, to ensure improvements. These projects are also expected to have a spatial location rationale and contribute towards the economic growth of the province, hence the necessity to also align with provincial planning processes and integrate. TheDepartmentwill further assess level of compliance to statutory Town Planning legislation by 6 provincial departments with capital project cases within the province. Compliance to Town Planning legislation facilitate faster implementation of capital projects as compliance allows them to be in line with municipal planning regulations and spatial policies. Subsequent to the launch of the District Development Model (DDM), the Department is working closely with the Office of the Premier and the Gauteng Provincial Treasury to co-ordinate planning and budget process towards DDM’s One Plan. This is in line with the Department’s Urban Planning and IGR role to ensure synergy between provincial and local government priority plans. In contributing to province-wide infrastructure planning and performance, the Department will continue to organise and manage the provincial and municipal infrastructure development and service
delivery coordinating structures. The aim of the structures is to facilitate the implementation of infrastructure projects that will influence the spatial planning of the province. The Department will also continue to monitor the allocation of MIG funds for the implementation of capital projects. The Department will further assess level of compliance to statutory Town Planning legislation by 6 departments with capital project cases within the province. 6 Local municipal capital projects in the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans will be spatially referenced and 1st Draft Gauteng Spatial Development Framework will be reviewed. Subsequent to the launch of the District Development Model (DDM) by the Presidency and the National Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, 3 pilot DDMs will be launch in Gauteng by the Department in the next Financial Year. Public-Private Partnership The Department did not enter any public-private partnership during the reporting period and neither does it plan any in the near future. Discontinued Activities/ activities to be discontinued There were no activities discontinued during the period under-review and the Department does have any plans to discontinue any of its activities in the near future. New or proposed activities The Department did not have any new activities during the reporting period nor does it have any proposals for new activities. Supply chain management There were no unsolicited bids during the reporting period. All bids awarded were based on open tender or request for proposals. The Department will often review procurement submissions to detect irregular, fruitless, and wasteful expenditure and report such incidents if detected. During the reporting period the Department did not incur any of the unwanted expenditures. Gifts and Donations received in kind from non-related parties There were no staff members who received any donation, gifts, or designated amounts from a non- related party, moreover the Department did not receive any donation from a non-related party during the reporting period.
G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 14
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