APPROPRIATION STATEMENT for the year ended 31 March 2020 • vote no. 7
Transport equipment 926 - - 926 926 - 100.% - -
Goods and services 1 844 - - 1 844 464 1 380 25.2% 294 238 TOTAL 11 085 - - 11 085 8 915 2 170 80.4% 9 084 8 046
Economic classification Current payments 11 085 - - 11 085 8 915 2 170 80.4% 9 084 8 046
Compensation of employees 9 241 - - 9 241 8 451 790 91.5% 8 790 7 808
Payments for capital assets 14 068 - - 14 068 1 369 12 699 9.7% 6 179 6 178
Current payments 51 369 (6 000) - 45 369 40 081 5 288 88.3% 61 958 61 329 Compensation of employees
17 620 - - 17 620 14 893 2 727 84.5% 15 754 15 325
Goods and services 33 749 (6 000) - 27 749 25 188 2 561 90.8% 46 204 46 004
Transfers and subsidies 45 000 6 000 - 51 000 51 000 - 100.0% 37 500 37 500 Provinces and municipalities
45 000 6 000 - 51 000 51 000 - 100.0% 37 500 37 500
Adjusted Appropriation expenditure R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 % R’000 R’000 Funds Virements Appropriation Actual Expenditure Variance as % of final Final Appropriation Actual Shifting of Final
Adjusted Appropriation expenditure R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 % R’000 R’000 Funds Virements Appropriation Actual Expenditure Variance as % of final Final Appropriation Actual Shifting of Final
2019/20 2018/19
2019/20 2018/19
3.1 IDP Coordination
3.2 Disaster Management
Economic classification
G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 131
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