APPROPRIATION STATEMENT for the year ended 31 March 2020 • vote no. 7

Venues and facilities 1 864 394 - 2 258 2 068 190 91.6% 1 866 1 832 Rental and hiring 385 - - 385 385 - 100.0% - -

Contractors 724 611 - 1 335 1 334 1 99.9% 170 63

Payments for financial assets - - - - - - - 35 34 TOTAL 145 792 - (1 836) 143 956 127 934 16 022 88.9% 131 210 111 824

Agency and support / outsourced services 790 18 - 808 697 111 86.3% 898 637 Fleet services 9 100 95 - 9 195 9 194 1 100.0% 5 928 5 927 1 954 (662) - 1 292 1 049 243 81.2% 1 593 1 574

Operating leases 1 239 (600) - 639 622 17 97.3% 836 836

Travel and subsistence 2 441 (280) - 2 161 1 617 544 74.8% 856 850

Training and development 873 (185) - 688 457 231 66.4% 998 823 Operating payments 874 350 - 1 224 1 194 30 97.5% 629 628

Transfers and subsidies 2 210 565 - 2 775 2 774 1 100.0% 1 213 981 Households 2 210 565 - 2 775 2 774 1 100.0% 1 213 981 Social benefits 2 210 565 - 2 775 2 774 1 100.0% 1 213 981

Consumable supplies 1 289 (385) - 904 737 167 81.5% 1 342 1 340

Property payments 2 520 (130) - 2 390 1 793 597 75.0% 2 474 2 473

Payments for capital assets 6 224 - - 6 224 1 553 4 671 25.0% 4 715 1 023

Machinery and equipment 6 224 - - 6 224 1 553 4 671 25.0% 4 715 1 023 Other machinery and equipment 6 224 - - 6 224 1 553 4 671 25.0% 4 715 1 023

Appropriation expenditure R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 % R’000 R’000 Funds Virements Appropriation as % of final Appropriation


2019/20 2018/19




Actual Expenditure Variance


Shifting of


Consumable: Stationery,

printing and office supplies


G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 122

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