of Gauteng does not remain vulnerable should an unforeseen disaster strike. This is evident in the continuous coordination of relief efforts, as well as the post disaster rehabilitation of infrastructure. Through an integrated approach, the Department exercised oversight, monitored, applied interventions and supported municipalities, traditional leadership structures, Disaster Management and Fire Services, as well as communities across our province. We reached milestones, we made mistakes, we encountered obstacles and we conquered mountains on our path. Yet through it all, we learned, we grew in our commitments, and we became more motivated and determined to always improve our service to our communities.

The Department had 56 targets planned for the 2019/20 Financial Year and was able to achieve 51 of these targets. This translates to a 91% achievement.

Key Management During the year under-review, the Department managed to fill only two management positions namely, Head of Department and Director: Chief Risk Officer (CRO), but could not fill other management positions, during the same period the Department lost the services of two managers namely: Director for Fire and Rescue Services and Director for Policy and Research.

G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 10

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