CIPC Annual Report V1
Companies and Intellectual Property Commission Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2021 Accounting Policies
1.12 Revenue from non-exchange transactions
Non-exchange transactions are transactions that are not exchange transactions. In a non-exchange transaction, an entity either receives value from another entity without directly giving approximately equal value in exchange, or gives value to another entity without directly receiving approximately equal value in exchange . Non-exchange revenue comprises annual return revenue. Revenue from annual return fees Non-exchange revenue comprises annual return revenue. Revenue from annual return fees is measured at fair value. Fair value is deemed to be the transaction cost and is based on the annual return fee as prescribed in the annual return table as set out in annexure 2 of the Companies Regulations, 2011. Trade receivables from non-exchange transactions Annual return fees are recognised only when an entity has filed an annual return, since this is when the initial recognition criteria are met. The filing and payment of the annual return constitutes a single transaction, as these transactions must happen simultaneously to file a successful annual return and is measured at fair value.
1.13 Employee benefits
Short-term employee benefits
The cost of short-term employee benefits, (those payable within 12 months after the service is rendered, such as salaries, bonuses, and non-monetary benefits such as medical care), are recognised in the period in which the service is rendered and are not discounted. A liability is recognised for the amount expected to be paid under performance bonus, if the entity has a present legal or constructive obligation to pay this amount as a result of past service provided by the employee, and the obligation can be estimated reliably.
Post-employment benefit: Defined contribution plan
The entity makes contributions to the Government Employees’ Pension Fund along with its employees to provide for retirement benefits. The obligation of the entity for any shortfall in the fund is limited to the contributions already made. Contributions are charged to surplus or deficit when made.
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