CIPC Annual Report V1
1. Introduction Corporate governance embodies processes and systems by which public entities are directed, controlled and held to account. In addition to legislative requirements based on a public entity’s enabling legislation, and the Companies Act (2008, as amended) corporate governance with regard to
public entities is applied through the precepts of the PFMA (1999, as amended) and run in tandem with the principles contained in the King’s Report on Corporate Governance. Parliament, the Executive and the Accounting Authority of the public entity are responsible for corporate governance.
2. Portfolio committees
Table C. 1: Portfolio committee meetings Date Details
Attending officials Agenda/areas of risk identified and CIPC implementation plans/ actions
Required action
12 May 2020
Efforts to assist companies during Covid-19 national lockdown
Adv. Rory Voller, CIPC Commissioner
2 September 2020 Efforts to assist government prohibiting public servants doing business with the State 3 November 2020 Briefing of the IP Policy – 1st phase
Adv. Rory Voller, CIPC Commissioner
Adv. Rory Voller, CIPC Commissioner
3. Executive Authority Four quarterly reports were submitted. We are awaiting approval from the Minister. Table C. 2: Quarterly performance reports submitted to the Executive Authority Quarterly report submission Approval by the Minister Comments & required action Progress Quarter 1 submitted Awaiting approval N/A N/A Quarter 2 submitted Awaiting approval N/A N/A Quarter 3 submitted Awaiting approval N/A N/A Quarter 4 submitted Awaiting approval N/A N/A 4. Accounting Authority
Table C. 3: Audit Committee and Risk and ICT committees Committee Ordinary meetings held Special meetings held Risk workshop
No. of members
Name of members
Audit Committee
Mr. S Maharaj – Chairperson Ms. L Vilakazi – Independent Member Mr. B Zulu – Independent Member Ms. S Mayinga – Independent Member Mr. J. Motjuwadi – Independent Member Adv. R Voller – Commissioner Ms. K Singh – the dtic (shareholder) representative
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