CIPC Annual Report V1

As a national public entity, the CIPC is established by a national legislation, the Companies Act (2008). As shown in Table A.4: Legislative mandate, the CIPC is legislated by a number of Acts of Parliament. Table A. 4: The CIPC’s legislative mandate Legislation Mandate Companies Act (2008, as amended) Register companies, business rescue practitioners and corporate names; maintain data; regulate governance of and disclosure by companies; accredit dispute resolution agents; educate and inform about all laws; give non-binding opinions and circulars, policy and legislative advice.

Enforce the Companies Act (2008, as amended) to promote voluntary resolution of disputes arising in this Act between companies and directors or shareholders as contemplated in Part C of Chapter 7, monitor proper compliance with the Act, receiving or initiating complaints concerning alleged contravention of this Act, evaluating such complaints, and initiating investigations into complaints. Maintain data, regulate governance of and disclosure by close corporations. Register co-operatives, maintain data, regulate governance of and disclosure by co-operatives. Annual submission of information by co-operatives, audit and independent review of co-operatives, voluntary winding-up of co-operatives by special resolution, liquidation process of co-operatives.

Close Corporations Act (Act 69 of 1984) Co-operatives Act (Act 14 of 2005)

Co-operatives Amendment Act (Act 6 of 2013)

Share Block Control Act (Act 59 of 1980) Consumer Protection Act (Act 68 of 2008)

Regulate conduct and disclosure by share block schemes.

Register business names.

Trade Marks Act (Act 194 of 1993)

Register trade marks, maintain data, resolve disputes. Prevent and enforce the unauthorized use of State emblems.

Merchandise Marks Act (Act 17 of 1941 ) Unauthorised Use of State Emblems Act, (Act 37 of 1961)

Patents Act (Act 57 of 1978)

Register patents, maintain data, publish patent journal, administer Court of Commissioner of Patents.

Designs Act (Act 195 of 1993) Copyright Act (Act 98 of 1978)

Register designs, maintain data, resolve disputes. Provide non-binding advice to the public.

Registration of Cinematography Films Act (Act 62 of 1977)

Register films, maintain data.

Performers Protection Act (Act 11 of 1967) Accredit collecting societies; regulate their governance, conduct and disclosure. Counterfeit Goods Act (Act 37 of 1997) Conduct and co-ordinate search and seizure operations, oversee depots.



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