CAV Annual Report 2021


-- oIn addition to upgrades to for van Ryneveld & Van der Spuy Road intersection, CAV intends to upgrade the following road intersections in 2021/22FY; van Reyneveld Avenue & Jim Verster Avenue (Intersection Upgrades) and van Reyneveld & Theron Street (Signal Timing). The upgrades to Boeing Street & Solomon Mahlangu Drive may be implemented in 2022/23FY. -- Jodan Konstruksie (Pty) Ltd, the appointed contractor may only occupy site upon approval of the drawings and Wayleaves by CoT for upgrading van Ryneveld & Van der Spuy Road intersection. • MinimumInternalBulkEarthWorksandInfrastructure Services (minimum BEWI): -- The minimum BEWI project as implemented by Jodan Rekopane JV (“JRJV”) reached practical completion. The next phase of the BEWI will entail the construction of the Aerosud gatehouse. At the end of Q4, JRJV was still pricing the BoQ for Aerosud gatehouse upgrades. The commencement of construction for the Aerosud gatehouse may be in Q1:2021/22FY. 5. OVERVIEW OF PAST DEVELOPMENT ACTIONS 5.1 INFRASTRUCTURE, SERVICES’ AND FACILITY DEVELOPMENT Meetings were held with the CoT’s town planning department during October 2020 to solicit support for the extension of time on the township establishment approach, and resulted in CAV getting extension till November 2021 (this is an additional year) The initial Section 7(6) lapsed in April 2020 and CoT is yet to respond to the request for extension made before the deadline as well as on follow-up correspondence. CoT Roads & Storm-water Department has delayed the preparation of the addendum to the sewer & stormwater bulk services agreement since July 2020. The addendum relates to upgrades to the 7 road intersections being in a phased approach, whereby Van Ryneveld & Van der Spuy Road intersection will be upgraded within the next financial year. Most of these delays can be subscribed due to the Covid 19 pandemic as officials were unavailable.

design, determination of site location and site preparation requirements, geotechnical assessments including the site plan, planning of site preparation and contracting service providers to complete the servicing of the site. A Financial Modeller and a Legal Service Provider were appointed to support the development of a scenario-based financial model as well as the crafting of a legal framework for the CAV to be used with all tenant negotiations including the BOT option. 4.4 PROJECT DELIVERY During the financial year under review physical project delivery performance was as follows: • External BulkWater & Sanitation (Sewer) Services: By the end of the financial year, the sewer services, environmental management consultants had implemented the following: -- The Water Use Licence Application (WULA) process done through the Department of Water & Sanitation (DWS) was ongoing at the end of the financial year. -- The Environmental Authorisation (EA) process done through the Gauteng Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (GDARD) was ongoing at the end of the financial year. GDARD approved the EA for water and at the end of 2020/21FY, the Technical Report for sewer services was yet to be approved. -- TheWULA requirementwas unforeseenandemanated from CoT Bridge Management Department’s instruction of not installing the pipe through affixing along the culvert (bridge) which was as per drawings approved by the CoT Water & Sanitation Department. It was initially projected that the EA & WULA approval processes that takes up to 12 months may be concluded by October 2020. The WULA process may now be completed by Q3 of 2021/22FY. -- Jodan Konstruksie (Pty) Ltd, the appointed contractor may only resume work on site upon completion of WULA and EA as well as CoT approving the Wayleaves that include WULA/EA. • External Bulk Roads (Streets) & Storm water: -- The start of construction work relies on CoT approving the drawings for van Ryneveld & Van der Spuy Road intersection upgrades.



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