CAV Annual Report 2021
• information on predetermined objectives included in the annual report; • any significant adjustments resulting from the audit; • reviewed the entities compliance with legal and regulatory provisions; and • noted the opinion from the Independent External Auditor and it remains committed to assisting management in discharging their duties in terms of legislation. The Committee/Board is satisfied that it complied with its legal, regulatory and other responsibilities. Financial statements The Board reviewed and evaluated the financial statements of the CAV for the year ended 31 March 2021, and was satisfied that they complied with the requirements of the Companies Act, Act 71 of 2008, and that the basis of preparation was in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The Committee concurs that adopting the going-concern assertion in preparing the annual financial statements is appropriate. The audited annual financial statements were recommended to the Board for approval. The Audit & Risk Committee has fulfilled its statutory duties in terms of Section 94(7) of the Companies Act and King IV™ compliance. Appreciation The Audit & Risk Committee expresses its sincere appreciation to the Board, Management, A2A Kopano Inc, Nexia SAB&T, and the Auditor-General’s office for their assistance and support.
_______________________ Mr. Sandile Ndlovu Chairperson of the Board
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