CAV Annual Report 2021

• Approve the Human Resources policies and procedures. All HR & Remuneration Committee activities were performed by the Board during the year. Attendance by members of the HR Committee during the financial year ended 31 March 2021 is shown: Name 13/07/2020 Dr. Anneline Chetty (chairperson) √ Mr. Simphiwe Hamilton √ Table 3: Attendance of the HR & RemCo Meetings N.B Mr Simphiwe Hamilton resigned from the Board in September 2020; therefore, the Committee did not meet since it did not quorate. Remuneration Philosophy Remuneration, reward and recognition play a key role in facilitating the attraction, engagement, motivation and retention of individuals. To that end, our remuneration philosophy is to remunerate and reward our employees in line with market norms. Non-Executive Directors Remuneration and Evaluation No remuneration was paid to Non-Executive Directors during the period under consideration as the remunerate/on was being considered by the Board and the dtic. No formal board evaluation was conducted during 2020/21 financial year. 1.9. CODE OF ETHICS

CAV has a Code of Conduct and a Code of Ethics which defines a set of values and behavioural principles expected of its directors, employees and contractors. These documents are intended to assist in ensuring a high ethical standard of business practice. The values encapsulated in the Code of Conduct are continuously instilled through on-going communication. Furthermore, all employees are required to continually declare interests. The Centurion Aerospace Village is committed tomaintaining high standards of business integrity and ethics across all its activities. The Code of Ethics provides direction on the minimum standards to be followed or expected from the Board, the employees, the suppliers and all persons who come into contact with the organisation. 1.10. BOARD ATTENDANCE The Board is regularly supplied with appropriate and timely information relating to all aspects of the CAV. In addition, members of the Board are free to seek any further information they consider necessary in order to discharge their duties effectively and efficiently. The collective responsibility of the Board ensures that all members of the Board are involved in the process of arriving at significant decisions. The Board met as per the table below during the period under review: Attendance by members of the Board during the financial year ended 31 March 2021 is shown:


08/05/2020 31/07/2020 21/09/2020 03/12/2020 29/03/2021

Mr. Simphiwe Hamilton

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Mr. Sandile Ndlovu Dr. Anneline Chetty Mr. Nitin Gunga Mr. Shaun Moses Mr. Tervern Jaftha

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Mr. Binu Sam

Table 4: Attendance of Board Meetings ***Mr Simphiwe Hamilton (Chairperson) & Mr Nitin Gunga (resigned in September 2020) As of 31 March 2021, the Board consisted of the following members; • Mr. Sandile Ndlovu (Chairperson); • Dr. Anneline Chetty; • Mr. Shaun Moses; • Mr. Tervern Jaftha; and • Mr. Binu Sam



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