the aftermath of the Covid-19. The mere fact that so many employees started and finished their studies is commendable. The department’s doctoral and post-doctoral programme has continued, as did the IT skills project. The latter was delayed in the previous year due to the late approval of the funding window, but was implemented with great success in 2021/22. The IT skills funding window is very popular and accommodated the following short courses: • Identify and explain risks and recommend security solutions • ITIL Foundation • AWS/AZURE • ISTQB Advanced Technical tester • JAVA for testers • Microsoft Office: End User Computing • Practical TOGAF • Sharepoint Online workflow development • Querying Data with Workflow Development • Visual Basic for Excel • Change the appearance of a spreadsheet The reskilling project focuses on employees whose roles have been affected by restructuring or retrenchment. Quarterly meetings are held with stakeholders to determine the extent of the need, especially because of downsizing of companies during the Covid-19 pandemic. The funding window for this project stays open throughout the year to cater for this. BANKSETA held a special steering committee meeting with employers in August and November 2021 to finetune the funding window guidelines to adapt to the ever-changing landscape within the banking and alternative banking sector. Investing in reskilling or upskilling promotes a dynamic corporate culture that is committed to continuous professional development that helps to build a culture learning that is effective. The result is a more versatile workforce and an organisation that is better prepared to face future challenges. Continued professional development interventions allows the individual to meet legislative requirements. • Scrum Agile Master • JAVA programming • Working in Macros in Excel • CompTIA • Cloud Computing • Web Development • HTML5 with JAVAscript and CSS3

The WSP is a document that provides the skills needs of an organisation, and what skills development interventions will be used to address such needs. This is a strategic document linked to each organisation’s strategy and to individual employee development needs. The ATR is a report of all the skills development initiatives that were delivered the previous year. This report provides an indication of how the organisation performed against their target of skills development needs identified in the WSP submitted the previous year. Submission of these reports serves as a pre requisite for employers to participate in discretionary grant activities and ensures that the approved organisations received their mandatory grants paid to them quarterly as per the BANKSETA’s Mandatory Grant Policy. The number of WSPs received in 2021 were:

Size of Organisation Target Medium 49 40

Submission Received Comments

Submissions declined by 7 submissions compared to 2020 submissions Submissions declined by 5 organisations compared to 2020 submissions.

submitted (including 1 NLP)


73 73

submitted (including 1 NLP)

These changes are because of changes in company sizes and some companies that no longer exist because of various reasons, such as: • Organisations that did not submit • Organisations that closed down between 2020/21 • Organisations that migrated between 2020/21 • Organisations that transferred out of the SETA. Seven organisations requested extension to submit their WSP/ATR by the end of May 2021. All companies met the extension deadline. Only one organisation was not able to submit following its integration with its main organisation. It should also be noted that the banking and alternative banking sector is still recovering from



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