(APP) and the Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the Department of Higher Education and Training. Through the achievement of our vision, we aim to significantly drive the skills development agenda in South Africa and respond to the 4 th and impending 5 th industrial revolution needs of the banking and alternative banking sectors. Audit The BANKSETA achieved an unqualified audit status, partly as a result of a significantly improved control environment and stable governance. The Accounting Authority is firmly committed to the achievement of clean audits and will continue its quest to reach this position. Management is expected to improve on the timeous implementation of Board resolutions. Appreciation I extend my sincere thanks to the many who contribute to our efforts and in particular, to the Honourable Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Emmanuel “Blade” Nzimande, for his guidance and leadership during the year, as well as to the officials in the Department of Higher Education and Training. We are also indebted to the National Skills Authority (NSA), National Treasury (NT) and the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA), all of which provide us with considerable advice and assistance during our frequent engagements. I extend appreciation to BANKSETA’s stakeholders as they have and continue to play a key role in the SETA’s achievements - their contributions to our achievements cannot be overlooked. The Accounting Authority is made up of highly skilled individuals who give invaluable input and who I am honoured to lead as Board Chairperson. I am also grateful for our senior executives and every member of staff whose hard work and dedication has made possible the achievements of the BANKSETA this year.

Ms Nosipho ‘Mia’ Makhanya BANKSETA Board Chairperson



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