
Reason for

Annual information

sessions and one on one support to employers

ensures increased submission of

WSPs so that the

mandatory grants can be claimed

Not applicable Not applicable

0 5 0 0 Not applicable Not applicable


Deviation from

planned target to

actual achievement

Large: No deviation Medium: 7 Small: 20


achievement 2022/23

Large: 73

Medium: 49

Small: 321

Board approved 3-year rolling

research agenda was submitted to DHET by

compliance due date

Planned target 2022/23

Large: 73

Medium: 42

Small: 301

Submit Board

approved three-year rolling research

agenda to DHET by

compliance due date

performance 2021/22

Audited actual

477 Large:73

Medium: 40

Small: 302

Board approved 3-year rolling

research agenda

submitted to DHET

by compliance due date

performance 2020/21

Audited actual

Board approved 3-year rolling

research agenda

submitted to DHET

by compliance due date

Annual Performance Report for the Period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 Outcome Output Output indicator Encourage and simplify WSP submissions for employers 2.1.1 Number of employers participating in the WSP process Development of 3-year rolling research agenda 2.2.1 Board approved 3-year rolling research agenda submitted to DHET by compliance due date Research partner sourcing 2.2.2 Number of research partners appointed

A credible sector skills planning

mechanism that

identifies relevant

skills priorities to

meet the labour

market demands

for the banking and

alternative banking sector

A credible sector skills planning

mechanism that

identifies relevant

skills priorities to

meet the labour

market demands

for the banking and

alternative banking sector

Programme 2: Skills planning 2.1 Mandatory grants

2.2 Research and benchmarking



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